Clean up contiunes.

Today the challenge is to declutter old newspapers. This means I have another day to work on the magazine challenge since we have been recycling newspapers for years. Every evening when I walk though the house checking windows, doors, and putting things away – the newspaper get picked up and placed in a special crate by the door. When the crate is filled it is taken to town and the papers are recycled.

Artie refused his food again yesterday but he was very active. He climbed all over the cage and even over his food without stopping to even smell it. Guess I wait another 5 to 7 days and try again.  If I have a chance I will travel to Columbus to get a live mouse for him.  He has never in the past refused a live mouse. He did have a complete shed in the tank which is a good sign. I have to remind myself that he has done this before and during the same time period.

Bill took a pipe wrench and got the basement value opened for me yesterday. This meant that  I can again hook up a garden hose and hose down the floor. The basement floor is now free of all dirt that came in with the flood.  I  mop it again today with  straight Lysol.  I plan on redecorating the basement after I finish all the rooms upstairs but it is nice to have it clean again  and another bag of magazines are ready to be recycled. I hope it does not flood again this spring.

The guys are working at the apartment building today. They are packing up stuff left behind from when the tenants moved out and washing down the walls.  I have never figured out why people think it is our job to clean up their trash when they move out.  Is it that hard to clean out a refrigerator or carry  the trash across the lot to the container? And how do they get the walls so dirty? It is a good thing I love to paint!

The guys have my truck today so I can not go get any more blocks or soil for the gardens. The good part is that they have to unload the stuff I loaded yesterday plus the stuff from the apartment.

It has been a long time since I have had the house to myself.  It was hard to decide between painting  or working outdoors – Not!  The weather outside today is great – I removed the winter cover from the shade garden, added Miracle Grow garden soil as a top-dressing, and planted the garden seeds.

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I than laid out the corners of the complete new garden design.

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I than trimmed up the old plum-tree.

garden 005 This little tree has always been here. I remember as a child that my dad would farm around this tree. It had large plums then but now they are very small and we do not use them to eat; however, the tree puts out beautiful flowers in the spring. The winter was very hard on it and I had to prune lots of broken limbs.

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I think that is enough work for today I am going to go  play with Shoes.

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