Big Plans for the Sun Garden

Bill and I took a short road trip yesterday to an old friend’s house.  We are borrowing his machine that helps lift  drywall to the ceiling. Chris and Bill plan on working  at the apartment building replacing the ceiling which we had to remove earlier this year.

  It was wonderful visiting with them and of course it would not be a road trip without stopping in to see grandma.

   Today I plan on working on the sun garden while they are at the apartment building. At least I do not have to pick up the sticks in the yard before I begin because Chris did that yesterday while we were away.

This will be my dream garden when it is finished.         I marked off the area for this garden to see how big I wanted it to be and then started doing research.

garden 002 I used cement blocks to mark the corners of the garden.

Finally I opened up a graph page and started designing.

This is my final design:


The total area for the garden will be 20 x 35 feet. The blue area will be cold frames each measuring 3 feet by 5 feet. The center path will be 4 foot wide and the paths between the raised beds will be 2 feet. The pathway between the cold frames and the beds will be 3 feet.  There will be a maximum of 8 raised bed each measuring 4 x 8 feet. The light brown area will be a 2 foot wide work table. The green structure will be a 6 x 8 foot  green house.

Beds C and F, D and E and G and H  will be joined by an arch to support plants that climb.

I do not plan on finishing the whole garden this spring – it will be a work in process. I plan on adding beds as needed with the cold frames and green house being the last items to be put in place.

I am still working on how to make this a self watering garden since it will not be easy to water.  I may have to run a water line out to it if I can not come up with any other solution.  Collecting and using rain water would be idea if I can figure out a cheap way to make that work.  I would like to hear from anyone that has a solution as the garden will be located far from a faucet.

Today’s challenge is to declutter email inbox. i usually read my mail twice a day and dump spam once a week.  I could get rid of a lot of the read mail but there is plenty of storage room in the account so that is not a pressing issue. However, i did take 55 minutes and dumped old messages that were no longer needed.

7 thoughts on “Big Plans for the Sun Garden

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