Outdoors is calling my name!

I love this time of year but I do get a bit overwhelmed by all the  things that needs to be done. Gardens need to be planted, grass needs to be mowed and I always find more projects to do.

I have decided to put the indoor painting on hold for a while. I still have the master bedroom and walk in closet  to finish in the south wing and all of the north wing to paint but these can wait for rainy days or those super hot days which will soon be here.

Yesterday I finished cutting the grass and noticed that the parts I mowed Friday look like they need mowing again.  I also trimmed tree limbs that had broken during the winter and any limbs that hit me in the face while mowing. Chris had picked up branches for me so I could mow so now I have two piles of brush to get rid of. Today I cut the grass at the farm which took me two hours now all that is left to cut this week is the grass at the apartment building.

The shade garden is just starting to sprout  so I need to add some mulch between the plants.

Garden 2017

I have one raised bed built in the sun garden and want to town to get 10 more blocks  for the next one (each takes 18 blocks). These will not be planted until early May when the frost danger is over. I plan on adding beds all summer until all are finished.  I will add the soil next spring on the other beds – they will  be covered with plastic this summer to help kill the grass.  The bags of soil in the first two will be opened when I get ready to plant the plants.

Garden 2019

I also pruned out all the dead limbs from my three lilac bushes. They are in full bloom and I could not resist picking a few for the kitchen table.

I also mixed up a homemade fruit tree spray and sprayed all the fruit trees. This is the first year I have sprayed the trees so hopefully we will have insect free fruit to eat this fall.

I have been putting off finishing a project that I started  in October  2012. I was working on a paving stone patio by the back door when Bill had a mini stroke, We were planning on finishing that project that weekend.  I had not worked on the area since. The other day he said i should not have started the project if I wasn’t going to finish it. So after mowing the grass I moved four wheel barrel full of dirt and still have 1/3 of the area to dig out before adding the sand.

Garden 2016

The challenge for today according the web site (52 Weeks to and Organized Home) is to continue to declutter the home office supplies.

52 Week Organized Home Challenge

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