Spring and Fall Cleaning Schedules


Today we finish the cleaning schedules by making a list for both spring and fall cleaning.

Click on the highlighted link to see my schedule.

Spring Schedule

Fall Schedule


Bill left very early this morning to go to Indianapolis for a class and will not be home until around six tonight. Chris had a meeting at 2 this afternoon so I had plenty of time to work.

I unloaded the truck and built another raised bed. I had to take five blocks from the last bed because I really needed to finish this bed today for the blueberry plants. I mixed peat moss and topsoil blend together and filled the new bed before planting the new blueberry bush. I had talked with Bill yesterday about moving the two old plants to this new location and he agreed that it probably was a good idea since they were not doing too well in their present location.  I transplanted them into the new bed and watered them well before adding weed control fabric on top of the soil. This is to control weeds and hold water in the bed. I added two water bottles between the plants to help water the plants. I will pick up some wood chip mulch the next time I get to town to cover the weed block fabric.

Photo by Kathryn L. Jarvis  on 4/30/14

Photo by Kathryn L. Jarvis on 4/30/14

It turns out that all three of the old bushes have some green growth on them  but very little. We plant these three a few years ago and we knew nothing about blueberries back then.  They were an impulse buy and we just struck them into the ground without any regard to what conditions the plants needed – the soil was rocky, hard and they were in the shade. I hope they do better in this bed.

There has been another change to the sun garden. The blueberry bed is where the cold frames were originally designed to go. The two beds in front of this bed will be used as cold frames when needed.

I then emptied the outdoor trash cans and placed the garbage bags  in the truck bed so I can take them away on my next trip to town. I  finished the outside work by weeding the  flower gardens by the back porch.  I found the oil to use on the door hinges while working in the garage which means I will not be waking people up anymore when I open doors during the night.

Now to wash these dirty clothes – no one said gardening was clean work.

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