Relaxing Tonight

First thing on my list this morning was to finish mowing the grass before it starts raining again. I truly love mowing the back yard – which is good since everyone else hates to do it. The front yard is one big open space and an easy mow, whereas the back yard is divided into “rooms”. These are all fairly large size areas but I have them filled with stuff  and  all that stuff needs to be moved.

Bill once asked me why I needed so many chairs since each room includes  at least two chairs . Who wants to drag a chair from another room ? No one.   I need a table and three chairs  near the archery range to hold drinks and the bow case and it is also a handy place to hold baskets for picking vegetables from the garden. The fire pit area needs chairs and a hammock to relax in.and what meditation garden doesn’t have a comfortable rocker. There has to be a picnic table  and chairs by the grill and what porches are complete without table and chairs?

Of course all of Shoes agility course needs to be moved each time I mow and that is not an easy job.

011I have added more pieces since this photo was taken.

I also had to mow the sun garden area  and put the tomato cages around the plants. The sun garden is outgrowing the shade garden. The seeds I planted the other week are bigger then the  ones I planted a month ago in the shade garden.

After mowing I got the paint out and started painting the inside of  Mom’s old TV hutch. Home Depot did an excellent job of matching the color! I painted the inside completely I and touched up around the outside. I would have painted the sides but ran out of paint. When it dries we will move it into the office/ bedroom to hold the TV and game system . I will decide  then if the outer sides need any additional touch ups.

It was late when I finished the hutch so decided to relax on the front porch with my guitar. Perfect way to end a summer day plucking  the guitar with  my dog at my feet  Now if I can just learn to play better.

Laundry is finished and I finally have all matching towels in Chris’ bathroom and working on getting new ones for the master bath.


Today’s challenge was to declutter area to place keys, other items as come in door. My new mud room locker/ hutch has solved that problem.


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