Gardening in June

Last night when it cooled down I worked in the sun garden. I added 6 cubic feet of garden soil and  some peat moss to the two newly built beds. In the one bed  I planted three bell pepper plants, one yellow, green and one red. I than planted a row of arugula, two rows of carrots, one row each of: kale, leeks,  lettuce, spinach and radishes.  The other bed was planted with bush peas. The peas should have been planted by the end of May but the garden was not ready than and I saw small peas plants for sale at the store today so I figure I would try panting them.

Tomatoes, basil, spearmint, green beans, lettuce, and carrots looking good.

Tomatoes, basil, spearmint, green beans, lettuce, and carrots looking good.

I am hoping to get another bed finished soon because the muskmelon and watermelons seeds should have been planted  at the end of May as well but I can always buy transplants if it gets to late in the season.

This month I will be thinking about and hopefully planning my first  fall garden. In the meantime, pumpkins need to be planted this month  for Halloween and I also plan on planting some sweet corn in with the peas. The pumpkins, peas, and sweet corn will be planted in the same bed. This is called companion planting.  It is not too late to plant cucumbers and tomatoes in Indiana.

Check your water gauge to make sure your garden is getting 1 inch of water per week. I need to put out my rain gauge and  stretch out the hose to measure how many feet I need to buy before it will reach the far end of the garden. Mulching will help conserve water  and keep the weeds down, apply a 3 inch layer of mulch beneath plants, if  desired. I used landscape fabric for the blueberry brushes, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.

Fertilize with a complete fertilizer (10-10-10) using so more than 1 pound per 100 square feet. I used fortified garden  soil which  means I do not have to fertilize this season.

Check  your garden daily for pest.



Create a mending area for clothing , plus a small sewing kit.

I have a great laundry room. It is located on the second floor attached to a small kitchen which doubles as a craft studio.  The room has lots of storage, a table, sink for soaking, a sewing area, and space for the ironing board and drying rack when needed. It is a mess right now because I am using it as my base for the whole house painting project – room by room and that room is scheduled for later.


I hope you are seeing a cleaner home as you work with me removing the clutter and organizing things. I have found that weekly cleaning is taking much less time and allowing me more time to play in the garden.

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