Painting Almost Finished

I am finally  almost finished with painting all the rooms in the house – anyways all that I can paint at the moment. I have one short  (less than 8 foot) to paint which I hope to get finished next week.  I just need to decide if I want it painted Swiss Coffee or Spirit Whisper. Than I will build a couple of photo ledges to display the photos.

North wing projects 004

I still have some decorating to finish in the studio yet. I  painted the book shelf blue today and plan on adding a top shelf to it. I have the board but my right knee is giving me trouble today so after finishing with the paint I decided to rest for a while.



After. Painted blue to match the entertainment center.

After. Painted blue to match the entertainment center.


I also plan on replacing the bed with a futon and then it is just a matter of straighten everything up and finish cleaning up.

twin bed with all the book shelf stuff on top of it.

twin bed with all the book shelf stuff on top of it.

Than I have one small bathroom to finish and the back stairway and the garage. However there is a problem that needs to be solved before I can start on any of those projects. The bathroom has no finished walls at this time. Bill is in the progress of remodeling the bathroom – we will not say how long this project has been going on  – but I plan on having it finished before much longer.

I have told Bill I believe the back stairway is beyond my ability because I do not have any scaffolding. The ceiling of the stairway is two stories high over the stairs. He suggested that I use a large ladder and “hang” over the stairs…….yeah right! Ten years ago I would have said okay but not anymore. I will either have to hire someone to do that small area or build / rent some scaffolding.

North wing projects 005

This is the ladder I was using to paint the 10 foot walls.

North wing projects 006 You can just see the top of the ladder in this picture that is how high the ceiling is in this area.

The garage will be the next area to paint but first I will have to move everything out and declutter the junk.

It is hard to believe I am down to the last three areas to paint after starting this project over a year ago. The bathroom is small and once it is ready for paint it will only take one afternoon and the stairway will only take a day at the most.  The garage will take longer.

I have more project lined up before the house will be finished. I still need to declutter the basement which is cement block so it will not need to be painted. I just need to get rid of “years” of magazines. No, I am not really a hoarder –  but one disadvantage of living in the country is that trash must be either burned (frowned upon now but very common when I was a child), or carried to the dump which cost money. Now days I have access to a trash collector so I am able to “clean out”  the house faster.  Also our town has an area to dump recyclable material free of charge so those old magazines are slowly going out the door.

We do plan on replacing the floor coverings in the rooms in the north wing since they have not been changed since 1978. We plan on replacing the carpet with hardwood flooring and the linoleum with natural tile.  I do believe I have another year of work lined up for me.!!

But for now I think I will go sit and put some ice on my knee. I have no idea why it hurts so but it has been giving me trouble for the past few weeks.  Usually a good rubbing will make it feel better but last night nothing worked to relieve the pain. I ended up putting on a knee brace and ace bandages and slept with a heating pad.  It is hurting from the hip down to the top of the knee. Any pressure applied to the top of the knee causes lots of pain. Bummer!

knee braced 002The good thing is that it got me out of working at KBC Apartments of Seymour today. Bill is there throwing away old cabinets that we plan or replacing.Thank goodness this was the only unit that needed new cabinet in the kitchen.

It is beautiful outside and I had hoped to get outside a  bit and enjoy the weather.


missionDeclutter and organize auto supplies.



Church Celebration

Yesterday was a full day with our Church celebrating its 175th Anniversary. 175th Anniversity 120 We had a wonderful day for our outdoor service.

175th Anniversity 004 Followed by a pioneer style dinner inside the Fellowship center.

175th Anniversity 056

We had a quick business meeting before heading back outside to listen to more music, play many games (sack races, egg toss, horseshoes,etc) and finishing the activities with a hay ride.

175th Anniversity 097

I did what I enjoy most during these activities. I took over 100 photos and spent about eight hours editing and posting the photos. (I could have spent longer tagging people.) I hit the share button at 3:00 a.m. this morning.


missionYesterday’s mission was to make space for guest to sleep and /or declutter guest room.

Today’s challenge is to read Week # 39 Garage.

Pumpkin Harvest and Storage


It seems that every where you look there are pumpkins for sell!  If you are new at raising pumpkins you may be wondering if your pumpkins are ready to harvest.  They are ready to harvest when they are predominately orange in color, the vine is starting to die back, the stem may be starting to twist and dry up, and most importantly the shell will have started to harden. If you can easily indent the pumpkin skin using your fingernail, the fruit is still too immature to harvest. If you harvest it at this stage, your pumpkins will likely shrivel and spoil within days.

Never try to break the pumpkin away from the vine instead use a knife or shears to cut the stem. It is best to leave at least six inches of stem on the pumpkin.

If you plan on displaying the pumpkin outside it should be out of direct sun so it does not fade and it should be protected from the frost. If it must be out in the open than place a towel over it during the night of frost.

If you plan on displaying the pumpkin inside do not place it on carpet or finished wood.  I learned this the hard way – the warm temperatures will cause the pumpkin to soften on the bloom end and it will weep pumpkin juice which will remove the finish from your table.  If you must display inside always place a plastic or regular dish between the table and the pumpkin.

To over winter pumpkins they should be store in a cool place protected form frost. A bed of straw is great to store pumpkins on. They should be stored single file onto of the straw and then covered with more straw. You should check them weekly and use any that begin to soften. There are many ways to use a pumpkin that has begun to soften:  cut away any soft places and use and prepare the pulp, if the flesh is soft than use the seeds to toast and at if they are still firm, if too soft but not moldy feed it to goats and chickens or place in compost. Most varieties of pumpkins can be store this way for three months.

Many people wonder if there is a difference between baking pumpkins and jack-o-lantern pumpkins. There is a difference, the jack-o-lantern pumpkin has been breed to have straighter sides and are hollow inside. They were not bred for eating but you can use them to make a pie; however the pie will not taste as good. Cinderella, Baby Pam, Lumina, or Pink Banana Squash. Hubbard and Butternut squash are all good choices for baking pies.

garden september 004My pumpkin seeds were planted near the end of the allotted planting time for this area so I do not have any pumpkins ready for harvest yet. That is okay because I was aiming for a late harvest closer to Halloween.


I stopped by the apartment building this morning and got the remote for the A/C unit working before heading north to visit with grandma. I love it when Bill’s brothers and sisters happen to be there when we visit. Today his sister and her husband (from Illinois) were there for the weekend.


missiondeclutter and organize sock and underwear area.

Orange Chicken Bowl

Orange chicken Bowl

This is a quick and easy meal with the use of a noodle mix, frozen stir fry and chicken nuggets.


1 package Teriyaki Noodle mix

1 bag (16 ounces) frozen stir fry, thawed

1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds

1 box (12 ounces) chicken nuggets, prepared according to directions on the box

1/4 cup orange marmalade

2 teaspoons soy sauce’

1 teaspoon white vinegar

Prepare the noodles according to the package directions, adding the vegetables during the last 2 minutes of cook time. Stir in almonds. Evenly divide into 4 bowls.

Toss the cooked chicken with the orange marmalade, soy sauce and vinegar. Serve over the noodle mixture.

Orange  chicken bowl 002____________

I never got much done at the house today. I spent the whole day typing up forms and making copies for today’s lease signing. Than most of the evening filing and scanning in information.


missiondeclutter bedroom dresser.

Ball Python



Ball Python? Isn’t that a type of snake? Aren’t you afraid of snakes? Can he get loose?  Is it safe to come into the room?  What does he eat? Why?

These are a few of the questions I get when people find out I have a ball python.

Yes, a ball python is a snake.  In the U.K. they are called Royal Python and they are native to West Africa. They are exported from the countries of Togo and Ghana.

Their Latin name is Python regius and they are a member of the reptile class.

Most Ball Pythons are small ranging from 3 to 5 feet with females being larger than males. Females can get up to six feet in size. The record life span has been 48 years but most live for 20-30 years in captivity.

The female lays a clutch of 2 to 10 eggs (average 6 eggs) which incubate for 56 days at a temperature of 88 -90 degrees.  The baby snakes called hatchlings are around 14 to 17 inches long.

Ball Pythons are brightly colored stocky snakes.

Artie There are albino and many different color and pattern available.  The males have a smaller head and longer spurs.

The answer to the second question is yes I used to be scare of snakes because my mother was terrified of them. I remember one day there was a big black snake in the corn crib and my mother was too sacred to get the corn out to feed the hogs. Uncle Moon happened to drop by and when mom told him about the snake he want out to check. I  was so impressed by the fact that he had picked it up and was carrying it like a pet. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone handle a snake. Out of respect for my mother’s fear I never had a pet snake until after she passed.

Ball pythons are very docile and shy. They are reluctant to bite and scare easily. When scared they curl up into a ball.

The only time Artie becomes aggressive is during feeding time when he will strike out at any movement but any other time any quick movement or a spray of water will send him back into his den.

Yes it is safe to be in the room with his cage and no he can not get out of the cage. They do not need a lot of cage space.  I keep Artie in a special reptile tank with a locked screen lid. It is important to check the screening periodically for holes which can happen with age and if you pour water though the screen to fill the water dish.

They need a water dish, a climbing post, a cave to hide in, a good quality bedding, under tank heating pad,night heat light and day time light.

I have fed both live and pre-killed mice and rats. In fact when Artie was very small he would only eat live mice so I raised a bunch of mice and rats in the basement until I decided that cleaning all those cages was just too much work. You miss one day and the whole place smelled! Do I recommend mice and rats as pets – no. I had raised over a hundred mice and rats and I only had one that was trainable. Nibbles was never killed for snake food – he died from old age. He was very trainable — he was “potty” train meaning he had a special pan that he used (cleaning his cage was so easy), he came when called, and he would roll a ball across the floor.  Mice and rats require much handling when they are little to make good pets otherwise they are just wild animals and will bite. A rat bite is not pretty! It requires medical attention, antibodies, a report must be given to the health department, and a tetanus shot. Plus you get some weird looks when you tell the medical staff that you were bitten by a “pet” rat.  Yes, I was bitten and that was the end of Artie’s live food.

Small baby snakes eat pinkies and hopper mice.  Pinkies are baby mice that have no fur and hoppers are young mice that hop to get around. Older snakes progress from adult mice to various size rats. The younger snakes eat weekly whereas the older snakes usually eat more often in the summer than the winter when they may go  “off food” for a while. This is okay as long as they do not lose weight.

I feed Artie once every one to two weeks in the summer depending on when he comes out of his den and stars “hunting” for food. he has gone as long as three months in the winter without eating even though food was available. It is  very important to properly thaw the frozen rat before feeding it to the snake. They will not eat a cold rat or a sick rat.

Why do I have a snake? Because he is fun to watch, beautiful coloring, interesting personalities (Artie loves watching the computer screen), conservation started, and easy to care for. They are not trainable or at least Artie isn’t and you must remember to handle with care because they are docile but still a wild animal that has been born in captivity.


I spent the whole morning updating forms and printing out a lease for the new tenants. This afternoon I had my hair done and enjoyed talking with Christy and Roger. This evening Bill and I want to the local Evening Lions meeting. Bill has been a member for a long time but until he retired he had not been to many of the meetings.  Bill ended up signing up to help with the Oktoberfest booth and I will be taken photos at the Annual Halloween Parade.  I hope that I can start selling some of the photos soon but for now I am doing a lot of free work just to get the name out into the community.

_______________missiondeclutter and organize sweaters.

Sun Garden Progress



I finished building the last raised bed today in the sun garden. (I know it is in the shade at the moment but the photo was taken in the evening when the sun is low enough to cause the shadows). I am so looking forward to planting all ten beds next spring!  This winter when it is too cold to work outside I plan on snuggling up to the fireplace and drawing out where everything will be planted.

I am working on a garden journal of were the plants were placed, name of the plant, how many plants, how they produced and how they tasted. As well as any notes about staking and cages, etc.

This will help next year when it is time to rotate crops and when buying seeds. I don’t want to buy seeds of plants we did not like or that didn’t perform well.

I still need to add soil to three of the beds before they can be planted. I plan on using a process called “sheet composting” in these three beds this winter. This is simply adding large amounts of leaves and grass clipping (no food waste) to the beds in late autumn. In the spring I will add the new soil to the mix and then plant the seeds.  I will top off the other beds if there is enough leaves. Next spring I hope to have some good compost to use as mulch for the beds to help keep weeds down and moisture in.

The next thing I plan on adding is the passive solar greenhouse which will be behind the compost bin.

The tomatoes, basil, mint, cantaloupe, pumpkin, peppers, sunflowers, and zucchini plants are still blooming and growing. The last of the corn was picked this afternoon. The blueberry plants are doing well in their bed. I plan on planting one bed with strawberries plants next spring. That will leave me with eight beds for regular vegetables which is twice the amount I had this year.


I spent the morning (after feeding all the animals including Artie) cleaning the whole house and placing foam insulation behind the electrical outlets on the outer walls.  Ashley furniture repairman came and he has to order a replacement part for our sofa. This afternoon I worked in the garden and cleaned the filter in the goldfish pond. Time to relax and play before fixing dinner.


missionclean out and declutter under the beds.

Landlord 80/20 Review

Last night Bill and I attended a presentation at our local library given by one of the authors of   The Importance of 80/20 Landlording.

The presentation was very interesting and lasted longer than planned because of the question and answer period.  I think everyone there learned something new and some of those attending have been in the business for a long time.

I brought the book which was not very expensive and I enjoyed the read but it was not what I expected.

I expected more general guidance information and what I read was mostly “this is what happened to me” stories based on their history. I am not sure about some of the things they did as far as getting tenants to leave and how they got them to move out. Is it legal to padlock the doors if they are late with their rent and can you throw their things in a bag by the back door if they do not move fast enough once they give notice that they are leaving? I would have rather read a straight forward step by step procedure on how to handle the situations followed by a story to illustrate how it works.

I could have brought the book cheaper on-line than at the presentation.

I expected that the forms that were discussed during the presentation would be in the book but nope.

Mr. Clarke touched on their website saying all forms were there. He kept saying the site was free to use after creating an account. I checked out the site. It seems that the forms are not free and a lot of the worksheets are available only by paid membership. Here is a copy of their pricing:

Feature Basic Membership Premium Membership Premium+ Membership
Monthly Cost “Free” $9.99 $19.98
 * Each Additional User per account adds $3.99 per month
Account Limits:
      Number of Communities Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Number of Properties Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Number of Units Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Number of Tenants Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Number of Applications Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Document Storage Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Image Storage Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
      Industry Leading Security Included Included Included
      Landlord Dashboard Included Included Included
      Promotions Included  Included  Included
Customer Service:
      24 x 7 Live Chat Included Included Included
      24 x 7 Email Support Included Included Included
      24 x 7 Free Support (1-888-970-4676) Included Included Included
        Training Video’s for all features Included Included Included
 Property Management:
      Manage Communities Yes Yes Yes
      Manage Properties Yes Yes Yes
      Manage Units Yes Yes Yes
      Manage Tenants Yes Yes Yes
      Manage Applicants Yes Yes Yes
      Lease Management Yes Yes Yes
      Application Management Yes Yes Yes
 Tenant Ratings and Reviews (T.I.L.E.) Yes Yes Yes
 Application Ratings (T.I.L.E.) Yes Yes Yes
 Basic Tenant Review Search Yes Yes Yes
 Advanced Tenant Review Search Yes Yes
Work Order Management:
      Proactive Work Order Management Yes Yes
      Manage Unit/Tenant Expenses Yes Yes
      Maintenance Crew Work Order Access Yes
Messaging Center Yes Yes Yes
Complete Applicant/Application Reporting Yes Yes
Complete Tenant/Lease Reporting Yes Yes
Termination of Tenancy Reporting Yes Yes
Integrated Contact Management Yes Yes
Integrated Calendar Yes Yes
Full Community/Property/Unit Reporting Yes Yes
Vacancy Reporting Yes Yes
Manage Move-Out Cycles Yes Yes
Advanced Features:
Advertise your Units at (Accurate Rentals) Yes
Manage Rent Roll/Payment History Yes
Former Tenant All-Points-Bulletin Yes
Automated Application Processing Yes
Preferred Listings on (Accurate Rentals) as low as $1.00/Day
Additional Tools:
Forms Packages (Per State) $47.99 $42.99 $37.99
Small Claims Process (Per State) $9.99 $8.49 $6.99
Eviction Process (Per State) $5.99 $4.99 $3.99
Future Features:
Tenant Photo’s Yes Yes Yes
Tenant Portal (Optional) Yes
Property Mapping Yes

He did say that the forms were there but lead everyone to believe they were free since he emphasized free software. He also admitted that the information on the site only covered tenants whose landlords use the site. He could not give us a total number of current users – he thought around a thousand.

I will play around with the free part of the site. I do like the fact that it includes free contact and support.

All in all I learned a lot at the meeting and enjoyed talking with the author and the other landlords that have buildings in our area.  I would love to have regular landlord association meetings.


Today we finished cleaning the bathroom and stove in the apartment that is now ready to rent  after I replace the blind. It is in the car ready to be put up. We picked up three totes for stuff  to be stored from the studio and the last seven cement blocks that I need to finish the garden. I will place them tomorrow.  Bill also replaced two electrical outlets  at home which needed to be replaced. (Note: Remove child safety caps as soon as they are no longer needed – do not wait 20 years and then remove them because they will break off inside of the outlets.) I get to stay home tomorrow and wait for the repairman from Ashley Furniture – hopefully they will fix the sofa without any problems. It sounds like metal scraping metal when it powers up and down.


missiondeclutter nightstand

Autumn Is Here

Autumn is that time of year when we say good-bye to summer and it’s wonderful warm weather and prepare for colder temperatures of winter.

Sweatshirts and long pants will soon be required dress for coffee time on the porch. The tall corn will be replaced by short little stubs sticking up from the cold soon to be frozen ground and the yard will be covered with colorful leaves that have fallen leaving the trees bare and naked to the wind.

Mowing the grass will be replaced with raking the leaves and piling them over the raised garden beds and into the compost bin.

The last of the fruit and vegetables will soon be ready to pick and the gardens put to bed until next spring. Gardening will be limited to those lucky enough to have greenhouses.

Houses will soon be decorated with orange, brown, and black as pumpkins are turned into jack-o-lanterns and fake bats are flying on strings.

Football dominates the TV and baseball is having it glorious final with the World Series.

Outdoor furniture will soon be put into storage or covered reminding us of warmer days.

People like me will soon be bundled up and complaining about the cold. I never minded the cold as a child but after being a city mail carrier for 15 years I know longer enjoy winter at all.

The old farmer had it right – they would feed  their livestock but other than that winter was the time to repair tools and equipment next to a hot wood burning stove. It was a time to rest, build things for the farm and home, prepare for the spring planting and birthing of livestock. Fall was the time to prepare for the winter – store all the food that was grown during the summer, clean up the ground and clear new areas.

Autumn is a time to stop and give thanks for everything that we have, whether it is abundant crops or other blessings.

I usually change out my dinning room on the first day of fall.  I cover the table with a brown and rust color cloth.  I add a glass pumpkin (I used to use a real one until one rotted and almost ruined the table.)  White candles in black candle holders and fake fruit tumbling out of autumn leaf filled baskets.

Fall 003I also removed the summer screens on the security doors and added the winter storm glass and summer wreaths were replaced with autumn ones.

Fall 005 Fall 004



Today is a good day to count your blessings and give thanks for everything that makes life good, go out and take a nature walk and really pay attention to how the sun feels on your skin, how the air smells, and the colors of the world.

Then at the end of the day a nice fire in the fire pit with family gathered around is a wonderful time to tell stories of grandparents and family. A time to share and remember with friends and family.

In a few more days the Halloween ghost and goblins will be making their annual appearance around the home.


missionRead Week #38  Bedroom organization


Autumn is almost here – get ready

Autumn is almost here and the question is – Are you ready? It is easier to prepare for the snow, below zero weather, and the howling winds now while the temperatures are still warm.  And best of all it doesn’t take that much time or money!

A few easy things to do that will make your home warmer and cozy this winter are:

1. Insulate all the wall outlet and switch plates on exterior walls with foam pads designed for this purpose. It is always best to turn off the breakers serving those circuits before remove any protective covers.

2. Open curtains and drapes on sunny days but keep them closed at night and on cloudy days. Insulated drapes or double layers of curtains will also help keep heat inside your house.

3. Install plastic widow film to reduce air infiltration. You can get kits for inside application.

or use regular bubble wrap cut to size

Cut, spray window with water, press on wrap.  I like this because it can be reused.



4. Install or replace weather-stripping around all doors and windows if they are loose. Be sure to check your garage doors for gaps.

5. Use “draft dodgers” along the bottom of your doors.  These can be purchased or you can use a rolled up towel or old rug pushed up against the gap at the bottom of the door.

6. Caulk around all windows, doors, outdoor facets, and outdoor lights. You can use caulking on the inside as well as the outside. If you plan on painting make sure the caulk you buy can be painted.

7.Keep you thermostat setting at 68 degrees or lower.

8. Keep furniture away from cold air returns and heat resisters.

9. Ceiling fans should move in a clockwise directions in the winter. This will cause the warmer air at the ceiling to move down the walls and towards the floor.

10.  Keep your furnace filter clean.

Another thing to think about are those Christmas lights wouldn’t it be nice to just have to plug them in when the snow is a foot deep instead of getting out a ladder and stringing all those lights. I actually no longer put up special Christmas lights because I put rope lights around my porch and balcony a few years ago and have them set on a timer. They work year round for sending people off to work and welcoming us back at the end of day. I simply extend the time that they are actually lit during the holiday season.

Home 2024And add a few decorations to the area to give it a festive feeling.  This is the summer night before the red cushions were added to the furniture.


Today after returning from church I found my new compost bin had been vandalized. They had pulled the  back away from the bin and broken the two straps that prevent the lid from flopping all the way back. The back easily snapped back together but I will have to  replace one of the straps since it broke beyond repair. Two nights ago around midnight we heard someone or something on the side porch. Bill turned on the light and the only evidence we saw was our swing moving sideways with no signs of slowing down and there was no breeze. The wind chimes behind it were not moving at all. The swing was moving harder than when Shoes (84 pounds) makes it move so we think it had to be a human. Needless to say we have beefed up security around here and will be adding additional equipment in the near future.


missionto declutter and organize winter gear such as scarves, gloves, and hats.




Coffee Time

I don’t drink a lot of coffee during the summer so I use Foyer’s Single cup bags. I love that I can just stick  a bag in the mug and pop it in the microwave.

Winter is another story – I drink more coffee when the weather gets colder. In the past I usually used the single bags but since Bill is retired I decided to get out the old coffee maker.

I had not used the coffee maker in the last couple of years so it needed a good cleaning. It is important to clean the inside of the machine as well as the decanter.

How to clean the coffee machine:

To start make sure the machine is empty of any coffee or coffee grounds.

1. Pour 4 cups or 20 ounces of undiluted, white household vinegar into the water reservoir.

2. Place an empty  10-12 cup basket-style paper filter  into the filter basket and close reservoir lid.

3. Place the empty decanter back in the unit, centered on the warming plate.

4. Brew three cups of cleaning solution through the coffeemaker.
5. Turn the coffeemaker off and let stand for 30 minutes.
6. Run the remainder of the cleaning solution through the coffeemaker.
7. Discard the cleaning solution and rinse the decanter thoroughly with clean water.
8. Fill the water reservoir with clean, fresh water.
9. Place the empty decanter back on the coffeemaker, centered on the warming plate.
10. Remove and discard the paper filter used during the cleaning cycle.
11. Begin brewing and allow the full brew cycle to complete.
12. Repeat Steps 8 through 11 one more time.
Your coffeemaker is now clean and ready to brew the next pot of delicious, hot coffee

If you have soft water it is suggested that you do this every 80 brewing cycle and after every 40 cycles if your water is hard.

 Don’t forget to clean the Decanter especially if
hard water has left a whitish stain on the decanter which the  coffee may have turn brown.
To remove decanter stains:
1. Fill the decanter with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar and let the solution stand in
the decanter for approximately 20 minutes.
2. Discard the solution, then wash and rinse the decanter.
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners that may scratch the decanter, scratches may cause the decanter
to break.
 Do not place Thermal carafe in the dishwasher.
I am glad I cleaned it before fixing a pot of coffee. This is what the filter looked like after the cleaning.
projects 2015
It is hard to see but there was a lot of white crystals, some black specks, and a few bugs.
 I can now enjoy a great cup of  French Vanilla coffee.
projects 2020
 Today we cleaned up the attic and then the apartment that is ready to be rented. We also stopped and picked up ten more block for the last raised bed. Eight more blocks and all the cement block raised beds will be built.
__________________missionis to declutter old winter coats.