Making lemonade from lemons!

You all know the saying when life hands you lemons make lemonade. It sums up yesterday!

Bill and I had a full day planned – we were going to go visit grandma and stop and get Shoes dog food and Artemis’ rats on the way home.

That all changed with one phone call from Chris. He was calling to say he was okay and had gotten to work; however, he had no brakes. Ouch! Bill and I hopped into the truck and headed to town. There was a huge puddle of brake fluid under the car and when we added new fluid and stepped on the brakes the fluid spurted out like a cut artery.   Long story short, we now have two cars in the shop and there is a rented car in our driveway. Now finding a rental car on short notice in a small town is not easy and after many phone calls we finally found one available. By this time  Chris was off work and it was way to late to go to Indianapolis. We did not want to waste the rest of the day so we headed to Columbus and picked up the trim boards I needed to finish the studio, then to  Wal-Mart to get one of Shoes’ dog food (our local Wal-Mart does not carry that brand).

While in Columbus we decide to eat at Sirloin Stockade which Bill said was very good. I do not remember eating there before and was pleased with the food. The pecan pie was great!

We stopped at Best Buy to check out prices on TV’s, air purifiers,and dehumidifiers. Than we want to Petco to get Artemis’ rats and more Dental Works for Shoes. That should cover both Shoes and Artemis for the next two to three months. I have two months of food on hand for the birds which means I just need to stock up on cat food before winter hits hard.

Bill is so patience with me at Petco. I can not get out of that store without checking out all the animals. They had some sweet little ball pythons what were so small. I remember when Artemis was that small!  That was back in 2006. He rode coiled up asleep in my hand as I drove us home that day. Now he is too heavy and long for me to handle safely which is a bit sad. He would love to curl around my arm with his little head on my hand and watch the computer screen as I typed. That ended last year when he tighten around my arm to the point it was turning numb before I got him uncoiled.  He still gets attention and petted (after he has eaten) but he stays in his cage. I have the cage located so that he can still watch the computer screen and me which he does all the time. I enjoy watching him climb his tree and “hunt” for his food.

I always enjoy watching the reptiles knowing that I will never buy a water dragon or exotic frog.


Did I just say never?  I use to say that about ball pythons and cockatiel because they where so expensive and needed such  large cages.

They had a cockatiel that looked like Sunny and the sign said funny and cute. I have to agree with that Sunny is both and smart also. He surprised me by turning out to be a very sociable bird.  I always feel sorry for the one bird that has been there forever. He is way over priced at $400. If I ever win the lottery he will have a new home because he is beautiful.

types of pet birds

The parakeets were all playing and seemed happy but none of them came up the side of the cage like the parrots did.

They had a bunch of ferrets what were tumbling around with each other. I think they are adorable but they create a mess.

Ferret 2008.png

The hamsters, rats, and mice were watching everything with their beady little eyes and busy doing what they do best – eating.

I love watching the colorful saltwater fish and would love to set up a saltwater aquarium but I do not have room for a large one and I don’t think saltwater fish should be kept in a small aquarium. I will stick with my small freshwater aquarium.

I got a lot done today. We could not visit grandma because she was busy today.  I started by staining the two trim boards and screwing the two photo shelves together.  I had to wait for the drill’s battery to charge before I could get started on the shelves so I gave the red pool cue holder a third coat of paint and planned the menu/grocery list for this week.

I thawed a rat out for Artemis but he was more interested in playing than in eating! He has not been this friendly in a long time. I ended up tossing the rat (ouch $4.00 wasted) and will wait another week before thawing another one. This is not unusually behavior for this time of year. He goes from eating once a week to once every two weeks and then he sometimes goes months between eating in the winter.

projects 2027

Sunny spent his training time on my shoulder this morning. He has learned “step up” and “shoulder.” “Shoulder” is important because it is where I want him to land if he gets out of his cage.

I found some old heavy-duty display posters in the old storage/bathroom which I plan on using in the basement. I trimmed them up to fit into the space I plan on hanging them. I was getting ready to hang them when Bill came home and we decided to get the groceries – will mainly to get the turkey so it can start to thaw.

Since I had skipped lunch we stopped at Apple-bee’s before getting the groceries. I really don’t like to shop that well and was happy to see that the store was not too busy.

Before relaxing for the night I stained the boards and painted the shelves again.


unnamedDeclutter video games.

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