Rainy Sunday

I am so glad we got groceries yesterday because it is a deary wet day. It started rainy as we headed for church this morning. It began with a light sprinkle and has continued on and off most of the day. We are now looking at a steady drizzle of rain with the temperature in the 50’s but the air feels very damp.

I am not complaining because it could be snow or worst freezing rain but I do miss summer and the sun. I fully understand why so many animals hibernate during the winter.  I still have not adjusted to the time change and the cooler weather. I either go to bed way early or way later than normal  and have to have the alarm to wake me up. Thank goodness I have animals to care for or else I would probably stay in bed until spring.

This morning  the birds greeted me by jumping up on my hands as I opened the door. I would have taken a photo if I had a third hand – Sunny was on one hand and Chatty on the other. They love attention and would rather be in the same room with you than by themselves. I am so glad that they have finally decided to trust me and are looking forward to training/play time. We laugh at the silly things they do and especially at Chatty who sounds like he is writing the next bestseller epic book as he plays with his toys. Think old fashion typewriter complete with return cartridge sound compliment of his bell toy.

The cookbook of the  church member’s recipes was on sell this morning but I did not have time to pick one up before the service.  I was going to buy one after the service but they had packed them up already. They will be al sell at the main office during the week.

We decided to go to Waffle House to have lunch/dinner or linner.  Yes, That is the word for it.  Bunch is breakfast/lunch.  Then there is Bill’s favorite brinner, a word for breakfast at dinner time.

It’s a wet overcast Sunday which means it is a perfect day to curl up on the sofa and watch TV. One day of relaxing before the madness of Thanksgiving preparations begins. Don’t forget to thaw your turkey!

__________________unnamedDeclutter id’s play room and /or areas kid’s play in.

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