Macrame Hanger

I have always loved the look and feel of rope which makes macrame one of my favorite crafts. I had planed on making two new  hangers for the front porch last year when one of my older hangers finally fell apart after almost twenty years of use. With everything that happened last summer that never got finished and I made – do with an old coat hanger. It worked but was not very pretty to look at.



I needed a fairly short hanger since it had to be high enough to discourage my German Shepherd from grabbing at it and I wanted this one to be white so it would stand out from the stone. The one ones were made of brown jute and blended into the background.

I started with 33 yards of cotton outdoor seine, a 2 inch brass ring, and my  8 inch flower-pot.

I cut eight cords to  length of 4 yards each and folded each cord in half and placed the cords thru the ring so that all ends were even and the folds were centered on the ring. I secured the top cords together with a gathering cord that was 18 inches long.


I divided the cords into four groups of four and started constructing my knots. The first knot is tied four inches from the bottom of the gathering cord. I begin by tiring a sinnet of 20 half knots with two filler cords. I repeated this with each of the four groups.

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Then I changed the filler cords to tiring cords and tied another sinnet of 20 half knots. Repeat with other three groups.

I than repeated the above process but this time I made a sinnet of only 10 half knots.

To make the basket for the flower-pot I skipped down four inches and took a filler and knotting cord from each of two adjacent knots and tied two square knots having four cord (two knotting and two fillers). Repeat with all the remaining cords.

Last skip down another four inches and tie all the cords together with a 18 inch gathering cord.

Cut fringe to approximately 9 inches.


Now I need some trailing flowers added to complete the look.


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