This is the gardeners busy time of the year!

Are you ready?  I have been living outside for the past few  week working in the gardens. The list of things to get  done this month is very long but so enjoyable.

So far I have:

  1. Removed all the old leaves ,mulch and winter debris  from the flower gardens.
  2. Pruned  the  dead and broken branches from the roses, grapes, blackberries, shrubs  and fruit trees.
  3. Prepared garden beds in the sun garden  for planting – added compost and fertilizer as needed.
  4. Created a new raised bed for strawberries,
  5. Planted 50 more strawberry plants, 2  more blackberry plants, and 3 more blueberry plants
  6. Planted  potatoes.
  7. Direct-sowed  frost hardy, cool weather veggies like broccoli, beets, arugula, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, kale,  lettuce, onion sets,  peas. radishes, spinach, Swiss chard,  turnips, leeks, kale and onions.
  8. Checked  and laid out the garden hose and replaced parts needed – I needed a new nozzle!
  9. Started seeds indoors  –  especially tomatoes and sweet peppers. We never have enough of those!
  10. Planted all  vegetable plants in greenhouse.
  11. Deadhead spring bloomers as the flowers fade..
  12. Trimmed shrubs at mom’s old place and the apartments. I still have a few at the apartments to trim.
  13. Weeded all the flower gardens  near the house and replaced mulch as needed.
  14. Made a list of  flowers/ shrubs that I still need (want) for the bird garden.
  15. Cleaned the goldfish pond filter and waterfall. Treated the  pond for algae.
  16. Applied dormant spray  to fruit trees.
  17. Tied grapes , roses, and blackberry  to their trellis.
  18. Turned the compost pile.
  19. Filled  bird feeders and  cleaned the hummingbird feeders.
  20. Cleaned and put out garden furniture/ cushions. You really need a nice comfortable place to relax with a glass of good wine after working in the garden all day!
  21. Checked for  items that can hold standing water and discarded or filled them  to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
  22. Set up mosquitoes  and Japanese  beetle traps.
  23.  Set up a container to  collect rain water for the plants. If doing this make sure the top is covered with a screen  to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in the water.
  24. Moved and replaced hammock

What I still need to do this month:

  1. Finish trimming hedges at the apartments.
  2. Put out the hummingbird feeders as soon as the weather permits.
  3. Divided perennials  if needed. I did this last year and so far have not seen any that need to be divided but I still have the backyard area to check.
  4. Prune spring blooming shrubs after they bloom.
  5. Plant hardy annual flowers  ( sunflowers, poppies, dianthus,  sweet peas, calendula (marigold), cornflower, cosmos. and coreopsis).
  6. Harvest asparagus spears .
  7. Spray fruit trees as leaves start to form.
  8. Clean area around fruit trees and mulch.
  9.  Fertilize grapes, blackberries, blueberries, and fruit trees.
  10. Spray plants with soap water as needed to prevent aphids.
  11. Prune lavender and mint.
  12. Prepare shade  garden for planting.
  13. Closer to the end of the month I will plant  basil, sweet pepper , dill, french tarragon, garlic, okra, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage,  squash, sunflowers, thyme,  watermelon,  and zucchini’
  14. Set up entry  garden fountain.
  15. Clean up flower gardens in the back yard.
  16. Clean up fallen limbs and trees from yard.
  17. Mow grass.

Remember to record your work in a garden log for future reference.

Unfortunately gardening has not been much fun this weekend. Golden Rod has not been home since early Friday morning and I must  say I miss him kneading my back as I bend over to work the beds.   The way he muscle himself into my lap whenever he thought it was time for a break. I hope he is just making the “spring tom cat” rounds and comes back home.

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