
This room has had many different functions and has not been painted since 1988 at least. It began as the boy’s bedroom until the south wing was built and then it became our sun room/TV/game room. This room connects the north and south wings of the house.

Before:  The white furniture seemed to disappear into the walls.






The walls are painted with a quart of  Behr Monet which allows the wicker furniture to pop out. I have removed many of the pillows to open up seating. I once read that  each pillow is the same as someone sitting and people normally will not move a pillow to set.

The yellow blinds have been there since day one and I really through that I would replace them. It would cost around $200.00 to replace them with aluminum blinds so to save money I did a computer search and  found out how to repair them.  They are usually rolled up so the yellow color isn’t a problem and as long as they keep working they can stay.

I do need to get a new cushion for the chaise.

Most important is the flooring which needs to be upgraded. It was originally suppose to be hardwood but we run out of money for the house and the boy’s needed the room so we put down the indoor/outdoor carpet. It worked great for the boy’s room – if you look closely you can still see the permanent marker streaks and the paint stains but it is time to put down the hardwood.. right after I get all the rooms painted.

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