Picture Day at the Farm

The other day I was thinking back remembering some of the animals that we have had in the past and realized that we had no photos of many of those pets so I decided to make today “picture day at the farm.”  Some may not really call this a working farm because we lease out the fields and have no farm type animals but it is still a farm – crops are raised, I have a working garden, and we have (I have) plenty of animals just not your normal farm type of animals. Looking at these pictures makes me think that I should call this place an animal rescue center since all but the fish and the snake have  been rescued from endangerment.


Our very newest – two days old and doing well.



Shoes – five years ago on a cold February morning she was born on our back porch. Her mother was a stray GSD that was so starved she was nothing but skin and bones. Happy to say mother and the other pups became healthy and were given away to good forever homes. Shoes was so stubborn and smart that we knew she was supposed to stay with us.

She is not happy about being on that leash but her fence broke and we are in the progress of installing a new fence line. She spends most of her time inside with us and gets very upset when forced to be outside along.She loves learning new tricks and working for treats.


Sunny was rescued from a life of uncertainly when one of our tenants became involved with drugs and was arrested. She had no one to look after them so I brought them both. They were scared and it took almost six months to get Sunny to warm up to me. Now he thinks he belongs on my shoulder and every morning uses m arm as a path to his favorite spot were he sits as I clean out the cage.


Chatty is his roommate and she is a fighter. She would bite hard whenever anyone got near her and refused to come out of the cage. It took almost two years to get her to stop biting hard (yes, she still nibbles when you approach her) but she just started eating out of my hand this week!


Artemis is almost ten years old and is almost too big for me to handle safely by myself so he spends most of his time in his cage. He will allow you to pet him and likes to have his head rubbed but not when he is hungry, When he is hungry everything is fair game and he is just like any other “wild” animal.


I am down to two inside fish. This big old gray fish named Kissy and the little orange one named Orangie. Okay not the best names in the world but fish do not seem to know what they are called so it works for me. Orangie is one that I raised from a baby.




A few months ago we had over fourteen cats that I was feeding (all strays) however a new cat showed up that was very sick and before we could medicate them all most got sick and died or moved on. We were left with three healthy cats when all was said and done. Sunshine gave birth two days ago and seems to be handling things well. She was purring so loud when I took this photos that you would think she was the happiest cat in the world.


My favorite cat – Furball. She/he is starting to make up with me and hopefully I will soon be able to handle it.


This is Garfield a complete “wood” cat that comes in out of the woods to eat food but runs away as soon as he sees you.


Some of the many fish in the goldfish pond – last count there were eight fish and one frog.


Computer work never ends

Today has been long mainly because it started late last night. We decided to go to KBC Apartments of Seymour late last night to paint the other two bedrooms in Apartment 4. We started around 9:30 p.m. and finished around 3:00 am. We stopped for breakfast at Waffle house and then home to clean up and get a little sleep. I took Shoes out for a break at 4:30 this morning so I could actually sleep in until 10:45.

Apartment 4 needed a lot of work – we had to replace one bedroom door, repair the bathroom door, fix two large holes in the drywall and numerous small holes in both the walls and the ceiling, replace the lock in the bedroom door, re-key the main lock, paint the whole apartment (so far over $130 in paint and over 30 hours of painting along), and replace the window blinds. I have not checked the appliances, the shower doors, or the screens yet.

Hole in one of the doors

Hole in one of the doors


The “bug” guy was due to spray the apartments today so I stayed home to catch up on some much-needed chores. First thing on the list after the regular feeding and cleaning was to thaw out a rat for Artemis and to turn on the desktop computer. This computer takes about as long as the rat to thaw out and start working.

Artie was one happy snake and actually a bit of a “pig” . As soon as he saw the bag he came running ?? out of his cave and waited for the rat to be lower into the cage. He grabbed it before it was half way down and actually looked for more before eating it.

Fully fed and still hunting for food

Fully fed and still hunting for food

I had help cleaning out the bird-cage today – Shoes had to see what I was doing and had her nose almost into the cage. They are getting alone better than I had expected.

Sitting on my finger this morning

Sitting on my finger this morning



I spent all day on the computer, cleaning, and doing laundry. The good news is I have all the business cards  replenished.

Business cards

Business cards

A new pamphlet for KBC Apartments of Seymour,



and a clean house!


unnamedRead Week # 30 Cars