Christmas Cheer

Spreading Christmas cheer seems to get harder as I get older. Bill and I have been food shopping most of the day to fill the Christmas gift baskets for the First Baptist Church deacon’s project. We made three trips to the grocery store and a trip to the Seymour Evening Lions fruit sales.

Christmas 2014 002The fruit looked so good that we ended up buying a few bags for ourselves.

We still need to pick up the hams and the rest of the milk before delivering the gifts.

Christmas 2014 001These are some of the boxes that we worked on today.  We will drop the refrigerated foods into the boxes right before they go out the door.

This evening we attended the Seymour Evening Lions club Christmas party at Cupid’s Arrow. We needed to take two gifts so I quickly wrapped up the gifts and headed out the door.

Christmas 2014 003 We had a good time with good friends and I actually won a prize with my artistic abilities. We had to hold a piece of paper behind our backs and tear out a Christmas tree.  This was my winning tree.

Christmas 2014 005 Prize was a can of nuts and Peanut M&M’s. Two of my favorite treats!

We didn’t do bad with the gift exchange either Bill got another can of nuts and I got a musical Christmas moose.

We did manage to find time to pick up water and get the shelving material for the garage.


Today’s challenge is to properly store silver items.