Autumn is almost here – get ready

Autumn is almost here and the question is – Are you ready? It is easier to prepare for the snow, below zero weather, and the howling winds now while the temperatures are still warm.  And best of all it doesn’t take that much time or money!

A few easy things to do that will make your home warmer and cozy this winter are:

1. Insulate all the wall outlet and switch plates on exterior walls with foam pads designed for this purpose. It is always best to turn off the breakers serving those circuits before remove any protective covers.

2. Open curtains and drapes on sunny days but keep them closed at night and on cloudy days. Insulated drapes or double layers of curtains will also help keep heat inside your house.

3. Install plastic widow film to reduce air infiltration. You can get kits for inside application.

or use regular bubble wrap cut to size

Cut, spray window with water, press on wrap.  I like this because it can be reused.



4. Install or replace weather-stripping around all doors and windows if they are loose. Be sure to check your garage doors for gaps.

5. Use “draft dodgers” along the bottom of your doors.  These can be purchased or you can use a rolled up towel or old rug pushed up against the gap at the bottom of the door.

6. Caulk around all windows, doors, outdoor facets, and outdoor lights. You can use caulking on the inside as well as the outside. If you plan on painting make sure the caulk you buy can be painted.

7.Keep you thermostat setting at 68 degrees or lower.

8. Keep furniture away from cold air returns and heat resisters.

9. Ceiling fans should move in a clockwise directions in the winter. This will cause the warmer air at the ceiling to move down the walls and towards the floor.

10.  Keep your furnace filter clean.

Another thing to think about are those Christmas lights wouldn’t it be nice to just have to plug them in when the snow is a foot deep instead of getting out a ladder and stringing all those lights. I actually no longer put up special Christmas lights because I put rope lights around my porch and balcony a few years ago and have them set on a timer. They work year round for sending people off to work and welcoming us back at the end of day. I simply extend the time that they are actually lit during the holiday season.

Home 2024And add a few decorations to the area to give it a festive feeling.  This is the summer night before the red cushions were added to the furniture.


Today after returning from church I found my new compost bin had been vandalized. They had pulled the  back away from the bin and broken the two straps that prevent the lid from flopping all the way back. The back easily snapped back together but I will have to  replace one of the straps since it broke beyond repair. Two nights ago around midnight we heard someone or something on the side porch. Bill turned on the light and the only evidence we saw was our swing moving sideways with no signs of slowing down and there was no breeze. The wind chimes behind it were not moving at all. The swing was moving harder than when Shoes (84 pounds) makes it move so we think it had to be a human. Needless to say we have beefed up security around here and will be adding additional equipment in the near future.


missionto declutter and organize winter gear such as scarves, gloves, and hats.