DIY Hidden Jewelry Board

If you are like me you have a drawer and/or a box of costume jewelry  stashed away. I really would like to wear them everyday  but  there is always a reason I don’t.  Sometimes I  can’t find the one I  want, they are in a tangled mess or I simply do not have the time to look for them.

I have a friend that sells jewelry and I really needed a way to store them so that I actually wear them. I mean what is the use to buy them if I just throw them in a drawer!

I did my usual research and found many options but most came with a hefty price tag or just were not what I was looking for.  My first thought was to simply place a bulletin board in the master closet and use push pins to hold the necklaces.  We have a huge closet but I have lots of clothes and a love for hats which I also never wear because I didn’t have them organized.  Once I finished organizing the  closet I didn’t have any room for the board.

But I can now get to my hats and shoes!

I needed to find a way to store the necklaces so I didn’t have this mess every time  I reached for one. Look familiar?

I wanted a way to hang each piece to keep them from getting tangled.  I did not want to look at the necklaces but I still wanted to be able to grab one quickly and see all of them at once to decide which to wear.  Also I did not want to add anything new to the walls of any room. A tall order!

First I counted out my necklaces and noticed how long they were to decide how much space I needed. I also realized that I will be buying more so added that into the calculation. I figured I needed a 2 x 3 foot space so I took a tour around the house until I found the perfect place!

It was time to go shopping! I needed a 2 x 4 foot board about 1/4 inch thick, tacks, push pins, and some screws.

I decided on manufactured board and I had to cut it to size. I used the finest toothed blade in my jigsaw  and then sanded the edges.

Next I looked at my paint supply and painted it the same color of the wall were it would hang.  I wanted it to blend into the wall so it would not be noticed easily.

I added eye screws on the top edge to hang it on the wall.

I took the necklace measurements and spaced out three rows. I nailed in push pins every 1/2 inch across the top line and every inch on the other two lines. This allowed for longer necklaces to lay flatter.

First problem ! The board was too tough to just push the pins in.  I had to hammer them in with nice gentle taps as to not break off the heads. Second problem: The pins went all the way though the board. That meant I needed to do something to protect  the wall in case someone pushed the board towards the wall. My solution to that was to place spacer tacks on the backside of the board.

Now it was time to hang the board with the screws and add the jewelry.

And then to hide everything from the casual viewer.
