Church Celebration

Yesterday was a full day with our Church celebrating its 175th Anniversary. 175th Anniversity 120 We had a wonderful day for our outdoor service.

175th Anniversity 004 Followed by a pioneer style dinner inside the Fellowship center.

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We had a quick business meeting before heading back outside to listen to more music, play many games (sack races, egg toss, horseshoes,etc) and finishing the activities with a hay ride.

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I did what I enjoy most during these activities. I took over 100 photos and spent about eight hours editing and posting the photos. (I could have spent longer tagging people.) I hit the share button at 3:00 a.m. this morning.


missionYesterday’s mission was to make space for guest to sleep and /or declutter guest room.

Today’s challenge is to read Week # 39 Garage.