DIY Patio

Outdoors 003This is was a problem area just outside of the backdoor.  It was too small of an area to get the large riding mower and we did not want to buy a push mower just to mow one small section. My solution was to add a patio. I started digging it out three years ago but due to a medical issue the patio was placed on hold. I tried to dig whenever I had a few hours but it was taking me forever and the weeds were knocking on my back door.

This week Bill who has made  a wonderful recovery started working on the patio.

The first thing he did was remeasure the area and calculated the amount of pavers needed to make sure we had enough. We decided to enlarge the area from the original design so we had to get a few more pavers.

He checked the measurements and made sure the corners were square and then finished digging out the foundation.

Patio 2015 Next he dug a drainage ditch and laid a fiber covered drain pipe around the perimeter of the foundation and out the ditch.

100_6469 The drainage pipe and ditch which leads down the slope.

100_6470 The foundation hole was filled with sand stone.

100_6471 The boards were used to level the sand. This is a two person job!


Bill laid the pavers after I cleaned them. Three years of sitting under the lilac bush meant a lot of dirt, grass, and moss that had to be wired brushed before the stones could be laid in place.

100_6474 Last step was applying a layer of fine sand over the top to fill in the gaps followed by a spray of water to settle the dust.

100_6478Ready for a fireside evening!

100_6483 100_6482

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