It’s that time of year – again!

This is the time of year that you either get all stressed out over trying to do too much or you decide to relax and enjoy the season. This year I have decided to not stress over getting things finished.

Oh I have a list and I am checking things off but I am not pushing the panic button, We have some gifts brought and if I don’t get any more purchased it is no big deal as the boys like the feel of cash,

The Christmas cards are almost ready to mail after fighting with the computer to get the address label printed. This has been a three-day process! Every time I sit to write the annual Christmas letter something comes up and I have to hit the save button. I just hope I have enough ink left to print them out without having to run to the store again.

The Thanksgiving  and Halloween (except the two witches) decorations have been carried to the basement. I still have to pack everything away until next year. I will not do that until I made another tour of the house to see what I have forgotten to take down – like the door wreaths,

I started working on the Christmas cards Thursday morning  but had to stop and go to town. Bill and I worked all afternoon selling  fruit for the Lion;s club. We brought a bag of pears  and I have to say they are the best pears I have had in a long time!!  Then we stopped to eat. Cracker Barrel was having a great sale and I got a $30  wooden Santa for only $10.

Yesterday I cleaned the house and started putting out the Christmas decorations.  I was just checking the light when Bill wanted to go to town to work at the apartment. We both checked the lights and made a list of what we needed in town  – more Christmas cards and more lights!

I spent the next three hours  at the apartments painting a fence while Bill climbed upon the roof to replace some missing shingles. Our next stop was the gym for an hour of cardio and an hour of weight lifting,

It was then I realized I had only eaten one of those wonderful pears that morning so we headed to El Nopal’s for a good dinner before heading home.

Once home I fed the animals before studying my Spanish lesson for the evening and finishing the laundry. The Christmas letter, cards  and tree  were all left for later as I was headed to bed for a well-earned long winter nap –

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