What to do – boredom busters

One of the main problems with “stay at home” orders is that people are not use to doing nothing. Many are finding  their  normal routines are  not allowed until this virus has ran it course and things calm down.  A  person can only   play so many video games and watch so much TV.  So how can you keep you and possible your kids from getting bored without costing a lot?

  1.  Read your religious books, have at home church services
  2. Learn a new language. There are many free lessons on the computer that teach almost any language’
  3.  Learn to read music and play an instrument.  Now is the time to dust off the piano or dig  out the guitar that you got back when you thought it would be “cool” to learn to play. Again check the internet for lessons.
  4. Start a garden. You don’t need a lot of land to make a garden. Most vegetables only need 6 inches of sol , water and sun to grow. They can grow in containers on the patio or in raised garden boxes in the back yard. A 4 x 4 foot area can grow a lot of food.
  5. Deep clean  your house – one room at a time. This is a good time to remove clutter and get organized.
  6.  Organize  that box of old photographs stashed away in the closet. Scan them into the computer and share with family and friends. Discard duplicate and blurry photos and safeguard the rest in photo boxes.
  7. Clean out your closets. Donate all those clothes that are too small or that you have not worn for the last two years.
  8. Check the gutters and roof and make arrangements to have them cleaned or replaced if needed.
  9. This would be a good time to plan any changes that you would like to do in your landscape. You may not be able to go the store  every day but you can dig new flower beds so they are ready when you do go shopping next time.
  10. Play with you kids. They need more attention now to help keep them from being scared. Try to keep them busy so they don’t hear all the “gloom and doom” that the news media loves to talk about.
  11. Walk your dogs, play with you cats. Try to teach your bird to talk.
  12. Read some books. I know the library is closed but ebooks and computers are great sources for books. I can’t remember the last time I actually brought a book since there are so many good books that you can get for free on your ebooks.
  13.  Crochet or knit. Don’t know how ? Again there are great instructions as close as your computer.
  14. Color. Grab a crayon, color pencils  or paints and color. You can print off pages from the internet or even covert photos into coloring pages using your computer. Kids love coloring pictures of there family and pets. Adults have found that coloring helps to reduce stress.
  15.  Call , text or write a letter to  someone you care about.
  16. Put together a puzzle.
  17.  Always grabbing the wrong key?  Engrave or paint each key so you know which one to grab when you go to unlock a door.
  18. Practice folding paper and learn origami. Again check out the internet.
  19. Place a bird feeder by a window and learn to identify the different birds. Feeders can be made from used food containers or simple a pine cone smeared with peanut butter.
  20. Exercise. You don’t need  to go to the gym to get some exercise.  Pull out those old VHS tapes or DVD’s and  appropriate machine to play them on and exercise!
  21. Turn off the TV and listen to music
  22. Bake cookies
  23.  Learn some magic tricks. You never know when you  may have to entertain  someone.
  24. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure.
  25. Wash your dog
  26. Brush your cat
  27. Update your resume
  28. Research your family tree.
  29.  Go for a walk or hike
  30. Start a blog.
  31.  Clean out your old computer files and make room on your phone or tablet for more stuff.
  32. Learn to juggle
  33. Learn to make balloon animals
  34. Sent out messages of encouragement and hope
  35. Lie on the ground and watch the clouds
  36. Play out in the rain
  37. Turn the music up LOUD and DANCE
  38.  Take a virtual museum tour
  39. Put up your Christmas tree and decorate it with Easter eggs.
  40. Bake bread
  41. Get out the karaoke machine and sing.
  42. Redecorate  a room in your house
  43. Get crafty with old stuff
  44. Clean and  paint patio furniture
  45. Play with Play- Doh
  46. Experiment with your hair.
  47. Take a bubble bath
  48.  Make a video  for social media
  49. Teach your dog a new trick
  50.  Cook and freeze some meals
  51. Keep  a journal of thoughts, feelings, desires and circumstances
  52. Complete any unfinished sewing or craft project
  53.  Clean out the garage
  54. Sit in your balcony and enjoy the breeze/sun
  55. Go over all your pens, markers and throw away some that are not working
  56. Clean all windows and mirrors in your house
  57. Clear your compost bin into the garden and start it again
  58. Make a vision board with your goals and desires for the next five years
  59. Watch the stars at night
  60. Watch live Webcams of animals online.
  61. Watch You Tube videos
  62. Learn to Meditate
  63. Shop online – just because you have it in your cart you don’t have to actually buy it
  64. Mix a drink either hot or cold and sit outside and watch and listen
  65. Create a photo collage
  66. Take photos of birds, plants and animals
  67. Climb a tree
  68. Go fly a kite
  69. Research something that you are interested in
  70. Write poems. short stories or even start that book.
  71. Wash and detail your car
  72. Clean the aquarium
  73. Clean and organize your file cabinet
  74. Clean the basement
  75. Play cards and board games
  76. Go out and clean up your yard
  77. Clean all the ceiling fans in your house
  78. Paint a picture
  79. Make some yard art using things you find at home or on walks
  80. Start seeds inside the house
  81. Explore the attic –  really when was the last time you were up there?
  82. Add whimsical  items to your yard to make people smile.  I have a bunch of scarecrows placed in my garden mainly because I like the “company” since they do not scare away any animals or birds.
  83.  Have a special movie night at home with popcorn, candy, etc.
  84.  Fix a romantic meal for two (after the kids are in bed if need be). Use the best china and candlelight.
  85. Go for a drive. No need to stop anywhere just take a little drive to get away from the house.
  86. Take a bike ride.
  87. Make a list of things you want to do once the stay at home order is lifted.
  88. Weed flower and garden beds
  89. Check on older folks to see if they need anything.  Some only need to know that someone is thinking about them while others may need help in getting or even paying for food, medicine, etc.
  90. Teach your children how to do basic things: cook simple foods, sew buttons and seams, change oil in machines, etc.
  91. Take naps – short ones
  92. Relax at little – stay up later and sleep in if you normally have to go to bed early and get up early.
  93. Explore other places through the  internet
  94. Make your own laundry detergent. You probably have what you need in the laundry room.
  95. Use sidewalk chalk and draw on your driveway. Sent happy  messages to those driving by until the nest rain
  96.  Watch old home movies
  97. Write down your life story. No one lives forever and I know that there  were stories  that my parents  told  that I just can’t remember the details
  98.  Play ball with the kids, your spouse or your dog.
  99.  Have a picnic on the balcony , patio or the back yard
  100. If you have kids experience the  e learning  method with them. Help them with the assignments and encourage them to learn.

Few people are enjoying this new “normal” most of us will be happy to see and touch our friends and love ones again, to go shopping at the places we want and not just the places that are open. In the mean time please stay safe and keep a safe distance from others when you have to go to the stores.

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